+-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | Hacking Music | This guide will show you how to hack the music that is | +-------------------+ played in each room of Bionic Commando, as well as the | | Dean Tersigni | sound effects that are played by different things | +-------------------+ throughout the game. | | Created: 09/18/03 | This guide will show you how to change the music played | | Updated: 09/19/03 | in each room, not how to alter the sound of the music. | +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ Every room is in the list below. The offset is where the data is in the ROM. To change the music that is played in the room, switch the value in the ROM to the music/sound you want from the sound table at the bottom. You'll notice that there is still some unknown data in the tables. If you are ever bored, please take the time to find out the missing data and drop me a line. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Room Music ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROM Offset - Default Value - Room Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $2EF33 - $03 - Area 1 (Exterior) $2EF34 - $05 - Area 2 (Exterior) $2EF35 - $03 - Area 3 (Exterior) $2EF36 - $03 - Area 4 $2EF37 - $02 - Area 5 (Section 1) $2EF38 - $02 - Area 6 (Section 2) $2EF39 - $03 - Area 7 $2EF3A - $06 - Area 8 (Section 1) $2EF3B - $05 - Area 9 $2EF3C - $02 - Area 10 $2EF3D - $05 - Area 11 $2EF3E - $04 - Area 12 (Exterior) $2EF3F - $0A - Area 13 $2EF40 - $0A - Area 14 $2EF41 - $0A - Area 15 $2EF42 - $0A - Area 16 $2EF43 - $0A - Area 17 $2EF44 - $0A - Area 18 $2EF45 - $0A - Area 19 $2EF46 - $09 - Meet With Enemt - Cliff $2EF47 - $09 - Meet With Enemt - Marsh $2EF48 - $09 - Meet With Enemt - Underground $2EF49 - - Area 1 (Boss) $2EF4A - - Area 2 (Boss) $2EF4B - - Area 4 (Boss) $2EF4C - - Area 3 (Boss) $2EF4D - - Area 6 (Boss) $2EF4E - - Area 7 (Boss) $2EF4F - - Area 9 (Boss) $2EF50 - - Area 5 (Boss) $2EF51 - - Area 11 (Boss) $2EF52 - - Area 10 (Boss) $2EF53 - - Area 8 (Boss) $2EF54 - - Area 12 (Boss) ? $2EF55 - - ? Unused Boss $2EF56 - - ? Unused Boss $2EF57 - - ? Unused Boss $2EF58 - - ? Unused Boss $2EF59 - - Area 8 (Passage - Cannon 1) $2EF5A - - Area 8 (Passage - Soldier) $2EF5B - - Communication Room (Area 1 - Exterior) $2EF5C - - Communication Room (Area 1 - Interior) $2EF5D - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF5E - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF5F - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF60 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF61 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF62 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF63 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF64 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF65 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF66 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF67 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF68 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF69 - - Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF6A - - Neutral Area Room 13-1 (1 Bullet) $2EF6B - - Neutral Area Room 13-2 (Flares) $2EF6C - - Neutral Area Room 14-1 (Gamma Communicator) $2EF6D - - Neutral Area Room 14-2 (10 Bullets) $2EF6E - - Neutral Area Room 15-1 (Extra Life) $2EF6F - - Neutral Area Room 15-2 (Delta Communicator) $2EF70 - - Neutral Area Room 16-1 (Beta Communicator) $2EF71 - - Neutral Area Room 16-2 ("Don't be hasty") $2EF72 - - Neutral Area Room 17-1 (Interrogation) $2EF73 - - Neutral Area Room 17-2 (Joe's Location) $2EF74 - - Neutral Area Room 18-1 (Fake Machinegun) $2EF75 - - Neutral Area Room 18-2 (Joe's Machinegun) $2EF76 - - Neutral Area Room 19-1 (4 Bullets) $2EF77 - - Neutral Area Room 19-2 (Suicide Bomber) $2EF78 - - ? Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF79 - - ? Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF7A - - Area 1 (Interior) $2EF7B - - Area 2 (Interior) $2EF7C - - Area 3 (Interior) $2EF7D - - Area 5 (Section 2) $2EF7E - - Area 5 (Section 3) $2EF7F - - Area 6 (Section 2) $2EF80 - - Area 8 (Passage - Cannon 2) $2EF81 - - Area 8 (Passage - Cannon 3) $2EF82 - - Area 8 (Passage - Cannon 4) $2EF83 - - Area 8 (Section 2) $2EF84 - - Area 8 (Spike Room) $2EF85 - - Area 8 (Elevator Room - First) $2EF86 - - Area 8 (Elevator Room - Boss Door) $2EF87 - - ? Empty Boss Room $2EF88 - - ? Empty Boss Room $2EF89 - - ? Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF8A - - ? Communication Room (Area ?) $2EF8B - - Area 12 Power Core 1 $2EF8C - - Area 12 Power Core 2 $2EF8D - - ? Power Source Room $2EF8E - - ? Power Source Room $2EF8F - - ? Power Source Room $2EF90 - - ? Power Source Room $2EF91 - - Area 12 (Electric Floor 1) $2EF92 - - Area 12 (Electric Floor 2) $2EF93 - - Area 12 (Helicopter Room) $2EF94 - - Area 12 (Escape Passage) $2EF95 - - Area 12 (Ending) $2EF96 - - Area 12 (Revival Device) $2EF97 - - Area 12 (?) $2EF98 - - Area 12 (Albatros) $2EF99 - - Intro Part 2 $2EF9A - - Intro Part 1 $2EF9B - - Intro Part 3 $2EF9C - - Ending Part 1 $2EF9D - - Ending Part 2 $2EF9E - - Credits $2EF9F - - Communicator Screen $2EFA0 - - Ending Part 3 $2EFA1 - - ? Unused Room $2EFA2 - - ? Unused Room ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound table shows every sound in the game. You'll notice that this list only goes up to $7F, because at $80 the sound table repeats from the beginning. Thus $80 is the same as $00, $81 is $01, etc. This means that only the first 7 bits of the byte are used for the sound. I'm not sure what the first bit is for. The value is probably a signed short. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound Table ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Value Value Value - Description - Description - Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $00 - ? Start of Game Music $30 - Select $60 - None $01 - Start of Game Music $31 - Helicopter $61 - None $02 - Area 5, 6, 10 Music $32 - Meet With Enemy $62 - Messed Up $03 - Area 1, 3, 4, 7 Music $33 - Alarm $63 - Error $04 - Area 12 Music $34 - Pickup Bullet Can $64 - None $05 - Area 2, 9, 11 Music $35 - Destroy Main System $65 - None $06 - Area 8 Music $36 - Free Life $66 - None $07 - Boss Music $37 - Medicine $67 - None $08 - Albatros Music $38 - Bullet Hits Armor $68 - None $09 - Meet W/Enemy Music $39 - Elevator Breaks $69 - None $0A - Neutral Zone Music $3A - Crane Move $6A - None $0B - Area Select Music $3B - Pause $6B - None $0C - Area Clear Music $3C - Pause $6C - None $0D - Game Won Music $3D - Level Up (New HP) $6D - Error $0E - Game Over Music $3E - Large Explosion $6E - None $0F - Credits Music $3F - Pause $6F - Stops Music $10 - Gun Shoot $40 - Boss Dialogue Music $70 - Error $11 - Rocket/Wide/3-Way Shoot $41 - Intro Music Part 1 $71 - Messed Up $12 - Arm Grip $42 - Intro Music Part 2 $72 - None $13 - Arm Throw $43 - Intro Music Part 3 $73 - Error $14 - Arm Fail $44 - Ending Music $74 - Error $15 - Injured $45 - Messed Up $75 - None $16 - Dead $46 - None $76 - None $17 - Door $47 - Messed Up $77 - Messed Up $18 - Bullet Hits Wall $48 - None $78 - None $19 - Arm Fail $49 - Error $79 - None $1A - Enemy Soldier Dies $4A - None $7A - None $1B - Medium Explosion $4B - None $7B - None $1C - Moth Death $4C - None $7C - None $1D - ? Unknown $4D - None $7D - None $1E - ? Remote Death $4E - Stops Music $7E - Messed Up $1F - Enemy Rocket Launcher $4F - Messed Up $7F - Messed Up $20 - ? Text $50 - None $21 - ? Unknown Blip $51 - None $22 - Spike Ball $52 - None $23 - ? Unknown $53 - None $24 - Electric Barrier $54 - None $25 - Slime $55 - None $26 - Plant Start $56 - Error $27 - Plant Attack $57 - Error $28 - Moth $58 - None $29 - ? Unknown Blip $59 - None $2A - Ceiling Laser $5A - None $2B - Connect Transmission $5B - None $2C - Connect Transmission $5C - Error $2D - None $5D - None $2E - ? Disconnect $5E - Messed Up $2F - Change Selection $5F - None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of the values may not make sense. None - No music or sound effects are played. (At least none I can hear) Messed Up - Playes weird noise that isn't normally in the game. Error - Blows out my emulator. Stops Music - Stops the background music, so all is silent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------